Google always think ahead in web industry. Google's moves are so important in tech world. Google Applied for a set of new gTLD suffixes which gonna replace the traditional .com and .org suffixes.
The complete list of Google's gTLD applications
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The complete list of Google's gTLD applications
- .ads
- .and
- .android
- .app
- .are
- .baby
- .blog
- .boo
- .book
- .buy
- .car
- .cal
- .channel
- .chrome
- .cloud
- .corp
- .cpa
- .dad
- .day
- .dclk
- .dds
- .dev
- .diy
- .docs
- .dog
- .dot
- .drive
- .earth
- .eat
- .esq
- .est
- .family
- .fly
- .foo
- .free
- .fun
- .fyi
- .games
- .gbiz
- .gle
- .gmail
- .gmbh
- .goo
- .goog
- .guge
- .hangout
- .here
- .home
- .how
- .inc
- .ing
- .kid
- .live
- .llc
- .llp
- .lol
- .love
- .map
- .mba
- ,med
- .meme
- .mom
- .moto
- .mov
- .movie
- .music
- .new
- .nexus
- .page
- .pet
- .phd
- .play
- .plus
- .prod
- .prof
- .rsvp
- .search
- .shop
- .show
- .site
- .soy
- .spot
- .srl
- .store
- .talk
- .team
- .tech
- .tour
- .tube
- .vip
- .web
- .wow
- .you
- .youtube
- .zip

For more Google's official Blog
You really provide a nice list. It is very useful for all people who are belong to this field. Thanks to provide a nice information.
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