Today in our country we hardly find teetotalers (non alcoholic,non smoking person..), I am a teetotaler(this is not for matrimony..). But i often afraid to say this in meetings or any gatherings, in those friendly moments i became an untouchable among my friends because of the teetotaler image. Being a non smoker, I lost many of my friends. Being a non drinker, I lost many friends(girl friends even..) too.After that i had a beer, Guys how could you drink this sh**.
We Indians taking alcohol almost every occasion these days , whether it is Diwali,new year, birth day,marriage and of course all weekends .
Ask these questions to yourself :
- Do you drink and smoke in home?
- Do you have beer in your refrigerator?
- Do you drink while Diwali or new year?
- Do you avoid a friend because he is a non smoker or a non drinker?(this is for me..)
- Did your wife or mom know you are a smoker or drinker?
So, these days drinking and smoking are the friendship factors. If that is the case, I have to ask myself. Why i am a teetotaler?.
Listen smokers, US president Obama successfully completed his first year as a non smoker.
man you almost right.. try to be a teetotaler in rest of your life too.. But nice one. Wow India
Reply DeleteHey don't lie we had a beer ... remember
Reply DeleteSmoking and drinking are peer pressure to teenagers these days. almost everyone was in a stress in India.
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